星期日, 十一月 17, 2002

Comments, Links

I think this blog is good for my productivity. I like to brag about the things I got done on here. As long as I don't show my still extensive ToDo list, people who read this will actually think I accomplish a lot. Today I popped open the spray-bottle of Armour-All, grabbed some rags and a power-vacuum from the garage, and headed for the Volvo. After an hour or so of heavy duty cleaning, the inside is sparkling. I tried to get Shirley to do something with me tonight so she might notice it, but she is busy writing a big essay for school. It's that time of the semester again. Too bad they pile things up over Thanksgiving, it looks like she won't even be able to go to the Garbage concert next Saturday. Also, I'm working on paring down my grad essay; I reviewed the questions I'm supposed answer and found that some answers are unclear, so I'm having my dad read it and suggest edits. I usually disagree with what he says (like with many of my physical possesions, I'm very territorial about my writing), but at least I'll have an outside opinion. Maybe I should have Julie read it too. Nah, she might bill me and I hear that her rates are through the roof.

I sent out an e-mail to Amy, Julie and Kartik to the effect that, surprise of surprises (the mother of all surprises), Taiyaba Husain is teaching English at the same school as my dad, Drew Middle School in Los Angeles. It turns out that Amy had already made contact, but I haven't yet so I'll e-mail her soon. Which reminds me, I've yet to actually make physical contact with Quan Hai. Hmm, another item for my ToDo list.