星期四, 九月 09, 2004

Comments, Links

Hooray, I'm employed.

From 0xDECAFBAD's links I picked out Idea Recording, a helpful how-to on writing down your thoughts whenever and wherever they come. My first advice to all Chinese learners now, especially those in China, is to buy a little notebook to write down "found vocab" for looking up later and keep the notebook in your back pocket wherever you go. It's also great for writing down concert dates, phone numbers, and weblog post ideas. This guy uses 3x5 cards. I can remember two people that I really came to respect who carry notebooks around faithfully: Kathy Zhang and Gordy Grover.

Today I took out lunch from a place called Xi Nian Lai, Hong Kong style cha shao fried rice. So far, John has taken me to two amazing places for very cheap lunches (15 kuai and below). I'm impressed by the service and quality of the restaurants that are springing up to feed Shanghai's new (hard-)working class.