星期一, 一月 03, 2005

Comments, Links

I had two ideas while I was showering this afternoon: a database for attaching metadata to my photos that would be accessed through a REST-like interface, and the idea to go miniature golfing (or frisbee golfing) in downtown Shanghai.

The first is a combination of a .htaccess that will pass the user through on URLs that point to actual files or directories, and pass off all other URLs to a CGI that will conduct database queries based on the URL, returning 404 errors for empty query results and Apache-directory-index look-alikes for non-empty query results. So this:


will take you to the picture stored at that place on my server, and this:


will return something that looks like an Apache-generated directory index of all photos of me taken in 2004. Of course, the nasty part of this will be entering in metadata for all of the photos I take. But a nifty CGI interface (department of redundancy department!) could make that task a little less burdensome.

Also, I stayed up real late last night at the net cafe and when I got home this morning I had another one of those episodes where I turn productive when I'm dead tired, and I wrote up that "Shanghai date/outing ideas" list (actually a few lists) that Jodi said we should come up with.

I saw three movies this weekend: A World Without Thieves with Chris at the Peace Cinema on People's Square for RMB 80 at 10:30 on Saturday evening, Kung Fu Hustle with Ms Chen at the Westgate Mall on West Nanjing Road for RMB 60 at 3:45 on Sunday afternoon, and Monty Python's Life of Brian by my lonesome in the living room of John's apartment for RMB 12.50 (two bags of popcorn and a bottle of sweet tea) at 9:00 tonight, Monday night.