星期日, 二月 20, 2005

Comments, Links

My home is so much more homey now. The computer is set up with plenty of music, and the capability to play DVDs. There are three blankets on the bed, and a set of sweatsuit-pajamas under the pillow. The kitchen is fully stocked with square, round, and cupcake pans, and vanilla flavoring, and measuring cups and spoons. The set of books on the on the low hutch has grown by two or three times. When I find a rug and coffee table, it will finally be livable.

Book list:

  1. Perl in a Nutshell, O'Reilly
  2. How to Program C, Deitel & Deitel
  3. The Wind-up Bird Chronicle, Murakami
  4. The Elephant Vanishes, Murakami short stories
  5. 海边的卡夫卡 (Kafka on the Shore), Murakami
  6. 毒蘑菇 (INSTALL), Wataya
  7. 武侠 (Kung-fu Knight), one issue of the magazine
  8. 自助旅游手册:上海 (Self-guided Tourism Handbook: Shanghai)
  9. The Seeing Eye, CS Lewis
  10. 云南十八怪 (Yunnan's 18 Oddities), postcard set
  11. The River at the Center of the World, Winchester
  12. The Protestant Ethnic and the Spirit of Capitalism, Chow
  13. Eichmann in Jerusalem, Arendt
  14. A Scanner Darkly, Dick
  15. A People's History of the United States, Zinn
  16. You Shall Know Our Velocity, Eggers
  17. The Truth, Pratchett
  18. The Puffin Joke Book, Cunningham
  19. 熊猫 (Panda Sex), Mian
  20. 张爱玲典藏全集4:散文卷二, Zhang Ailing short stories
  21. 水浒传 (Water Margin), comic collection 3, 4, 5
  22. The Chinese Emperor, Levi
  23. Taiping Rebellion 1859-1864, Cheng
  24. Korean Phrasebook, Lonely Planet
  25. 史努比全集I (Snoopy collection), Schulz
  26. 中国农民调查 (Investigation into Chinese Farmers), Chen & Chun
  27. 高层权贵秘闻披露 (Secrets of High-level Government Officials Revealed)
  28. 真心英雄胡锦涛 (Hu Jintao, the Earnest Hero)
  29. American's Tourist Manual for China, 1980
  30. Let's Go China 2002
  31. 中国自助游 (China Self-guided Travel)
  32. 古文今译与英译 (Classical Chinese stories translated to Modern Chinese and to English)
  33. The Elements of Style, Strunk & White
  34. 席殊3SFM用硬笔字6小时训练 (Xi Shu's 3SFM 6-hour Ballpoint Pen Calligraphy)
  35. Idiot's Guide to Playing the Harmonica
  36. 2003市场资料 (Shanghai Stock Exchange 2003 Fact Book)
  37. The Three Gorges Project

I'm having second thoughts about keeping so many books, but I'm also comforted by the fact that many of them are reference books. Should I give the rest away? Or keep them, and start a Bookworm in Shanghai?

Today was a nice day. I slept in because I was jetlagged, spent a while on the computer listening to music, took a nice long shower, caught the tail end of the church service on Hengshan Road, had dinner at a noodle shop on Shimen No 1 Road, attended a theater performance at the Majestic, and got online for the first time in my home with a 96550 internet calling card. Lesson learned for the day: don't expect to stay awake when jet-lagged, and sitting in a dark, relatively quiet, plush-seated theater.