星期六, 六月 25, 2005

Comments, Links

By way of Dabizi in Tianjin (keeper of the Sleeping Students moblog):

I am nerdier than 90% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I didn't think I'd score that high. I only have one graphing calculator, and it's a TI.

I can't decide if the winner of today's Silly T-Shirt Slogan Contest is JUICY FRUITS MEZZO PIANO, or I ♡ COLLAGEN.

Conversation paraphrase with the new English teacher (Chinese) that Xinshidai hired to teach their little kids:

Her: Hi.
Me: Hi.
<random conversation>
Me: So you are from Shanghai?
Her: Yes. Where are you from? The United States?
Me: California.
Her: Oh, I know a lot of Americans.
Me: Really?
Her: Yeah. I used to work at Hooters.
Me: ...
Her: ...
Me: Uh, cool. My friends like that place.
Her: Yeah, they're opening a new loation in Changning District, on Zunyi Lu.
Me: Oh.

The Shanghai Hooters has been open for about six months now.