星期一, 六月 13, 2005

Comments, Links

This is a view of the Arrivals gate area at the airport, where I was waiting for Katie Beth.

One night, we went to see Cold Fairyland play at the Ark in Xintiandi with John, Brad, Eden and Chris.

Katie Beth dared me to order the fruit pizza... so we did. It had fruit jam instead of tomato sauce, but still real cheese.

This is a kid walking home from preschool in the Xinshidai Gardens apartment complex.

Somehow I imagine that even if China someday completely disavows communism, they will still give out red star stickers in school to good kids.

If your preschool class had a web site, what would it be called? This class is the First Upper class, dot com.

This is a pic of the host and the fearless leader of the Shanghai Webloggers Meetups. Maria always generously puts out quite a spread and is a warm, welcoming and disarming host. I'm really bummed that I missed her grand BBQ last Saturday.

Fudan Podcaster and Roving Laowai are another couple of Shanghai Webloggers, in name if not in action.

Yours truly is a weblogger too!

I can't help myself, if I see food laid out in front of me then I will end up snacking all night. Thanks Maria!

This was the second time that month that I went to see Cold Fairyland at the Ark. I hear they won't be playing there anymore because the owners complained they were too loud. I don't understand; isn't that the point?

Cute Kid at Changzhong Preschool.

This is a drawing by a preschool kid to celebrate the Beijing Olympics. In the middle you can see Tiananmen superimposed on the upper Olympic rings, while the lower rings turn into the heads of an African kid, an Asian kid, and a Caucasian kid.

This was the room where I had my toe surgery. I was trying to convey that it was a very modern facility, but I don't think the low-quality cellphone pic captured that feeling.

Ta-dah. June, coming soon.