星期一, 七月 18, 2005

Comments, Links

Here's the review that I posted to Shanghai Expat of the SUS2 5th Anniversary Music Fest that I went to this weekend with Chris and Max (Max already wrote a review of Day 1):

The second night started off slowly (and late), and ended with an unexpected, head-banging, soul-rocking end. At 8pm—the concert was slated to start at 6pm— rock/hard-rock group Xiaomin Is A Robot started their set; nothing really special, they played a solid but technically unimpressive set. Chris and I gravitated towards the guitar magazines by the tables in the back of the Gua'er.

The second band to take the stage was Heaven's Door, repeating some of their covers from the previous night and also playing a couple "new" covers. Chris and I went out to get some lamb chuan.

When we got back, Qiyin had started their set. These guys were pretty fun melodic metal; they threw Mario Bros into the set, and the lead singer had a big grin on his face half the time. Chris and I bobbed out heads.

Finally, to our great surprise and elation, the rumor came true: Xuanwumen took the stage. Minus their vocalist, they still put on a moving performance, transporting us back to the time when black knights wielded swords instead of guitars, through green valleys and rolling storms. Chris and I were floored; after the concert was over, we went back for more chuan and all we could talk about was how great Xuanwumen are... I think they are Shanghai's most underrated band.

I uploaded more pictures into the same folder:


The actual final line-up for the festival was like this:


  • Heaven's Door

  • San Huang Ji

  • The Herb

  • The Honeys


  • Xiaomin is a Robot

  • Heaven's Door

  • Qiying

  • Xuanwumen

The highlights for me were definitely San Huang Ji and Xuanwumen. The good news is that Xuanwumen will be playing again at Harley's on August 6th at Qiying's big concert. Be there!