星期二, 十月 11, 2005

Comments, Links

Last spring, we gathered a group of architects, preservationists and historians to discuss the shape of Shanghai's urban landscape. This month, the developers weigh in: our panel includes the biggest names in Shanghai urban development: Vincent Lo of the Shui On Group, who developed Xintiandi; Christopher Choa, who has been involved in the Waitan Yuan project and the redevelopment of traditional lane housing; Shanghainese architect and author Ren Guang Yu, who has recently completed a book on Shanghai architecture and development, and Ben Wood, the "god of adaptive re-use," who was the principal architect for Xintiandi.

I'll be in Hong Kong on that date. Where will you be? That's right! And what will you bring? Correct! And don't forget to put a blank tape in before you hit record! Thanks!

(By the way, this "Ren Guang Yu" is incredibly elusive... Google, despite my massaging, turns up nothing. So don't forget to write down his name in Chinese. Ta!)