星期三, 八月 09, 2006

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This is exactly the kind of typical Chinese wedding Jodi and I went to some lengths to avoid:

Er, to give you a flavour of the entertainment, myself and five other gents were called out onto the stage, and we held a beer drinking competition - through mini baby milk bottles. Always a first for everything... although I didn't quite get my technique right.


No intention of seeing my colleague in compromising situations, I tried to make a sharp exit, but was called back. Of the 200 odd guests, perhaps 30 made it to the room to watch and have fun! The couple were challenged to play silly games, such as popping a balloon between their bodies, and eventually stripping in bed under the covers!

Today Jodi is out with a friend, so I'm gonna stuff some books in a backpack, grab the camera and head out for a day on the town.