星期日, 八月 27, 2006

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A while ago I wrote a Shanghaiist post in which I mentioned Shanghai white-collar singles wearing wristbands to find morning subway commute conversation partners. Today I wandered across the website where they organized. Basically you put your personal info on the site, they make a list, and then pass out the wristbands at an announced station at an announced time. Here's a pic:


At 8/28/2006, zhwj said:

Wait, if there's a designated time, can't you just meet people at the pass-out station instead of depending on random chance?

At 8/28/2006, Micah said:

The idea is, you wear your wristband during your daily commute and other members of the BBS will spot it and chat with you. The designated time-and-place is a one-time thing to pass out the wristbands. I think for Zhongshan Park it was during lunch on Saturday.

At 8/30/2006, Gatsby said:

What is the BBS ? Can you post the URL please ?

At 8/30/2006, Micah said:

Sure. I'm not sure why I didn't link to it in the post...


The wristband action is happening in the "Shanghai" forum.


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