I'm a pretty modest guy, so instead of talking about my great looks I'll give you a little run-down of my 'internet-history'.I've been on the internet since 1993, the year we came back from Spain. Stu, a kind man from my parents' church, donated a top-of-the-line Macintosh Performa 575 to our family. Originally we used a 1200 baud modem to dial up to AOL as In the high school library, my brother and I used Archie and Veronica to find the hottest gopher files. I created my first web site on a school Solaris account as a freshman in college. Having a unique username and being an early adopter, my webpage would appear near the top of a Google search for "takoyaki" for a year or so after it debuted. I learned perl during my senior year, which I used to create small web-based tools like a bookmark page, a message board and a scheduler. The summer after I graduated in 2001, I moved my account to UGCS, the student-run computer cluster at school. In China for a year, I dabbled in web design and coding to web accesibility standards using XHTML and cascading style sheets (CSS). Most of this work was done on at SDF, a UNIX community run on Alpha/NetBSD. When I came back to the US, I favored UNIX-style operating systems enough to build a computer called petisuis and install RedHat Linux on it. Out of a desire for a more stable and available box, I also keep a VPS named danone running Debian hosted at JVDS. That box is host to this domain name,
