About Myself

I'm about 24 years old. I have a strong education in science, and the Spanish and Chinese languages. You can ask me tough questions about those. My hobbies are table tennis, Chinese history, and computers, specifically web design. I can carry a light but somewhat meaningful conversation about any of those. I enjoy listening to music (exotica, jazz, j-pop) but don't ask me who the jazz greats are or what was on the cover of of Les Baxter's third album.

I've been on the internet since Stu (a super nice guy from my parents' church) donated a computer to our family when we came back from Spain in 1993. Originally we used AOL (houxle@aol.com). I have fond memories of Archie and Veronica in the high school library. I created the first version of this web site when I was a freshman in college. Having a unique username and being an early adopter, my webpage would appear on the first page of a Google search for "takoyaki" for a year or so after it debuted. That was until my school account was deactivated the summer after I graduated in 2001. I learned perl my senior year, which I used to create small but useful web-based tools like a bookmark page, a message board and a scheduler. Now I code to web accesibility standards using XHTML and cascading style sheets (CSS).

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About the Author

Micah Sittig lives in Southern California and works for Borders Bookstores. He enjoys non-fiction books, bicycling, foreign languages and ethnic restaurants. Contact Micah at micah@earthling.net