The "Self Project"

A picture of Nixon and Mao shaking hands.

Lou Brothers has something called the "Self-Project" where he has set out certain goals for himself in three different areas: Personal, Professional and Social. Since emulation is a sign of flattery (a bad paraphrasing, I'm sure) I've rolled my own.

Initial Plan: July 2002

Learn basic written/oral Korean   (not started)
Learn 400 new Chinese characters   (not started)
Reach a level of basic oral Russian capability   (not started)
Read a reasonably long Spanish novel   (not started)
Take a class or read a book on auto mechanics   (not started)
Learn basic XML, how to parse it with Perl, and transform it with XSLT   (in progress...)
Learn basic PHP, and complete a small project with it.   (not started)
Install Linux on a computer I build myself or with a friend   (not started)
Plan and execute the Brea Posse 5 year mini-reunion   (in progress...)
Go to Dodger game with friends   (not started)
Get involved in or initiate a regular sports activity   (not started)
Go mini-golfing several times   (not started)

Progress Report June 2002

This page comes into being. I've not started on any project.

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