Modern Chinese Political Phrases & Slogans

This page uses the unicode encoding scheme, and may also have GB (Guo2 yu3 Biao1 zhun3) in the future.

Pinyin follows the notational convention given in the CEDICT (1 flat, 2 rising, 3 dipping, 4 falling, 5 neutral).


百花齐放  bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 Hundred flowers
赤脚医生  chi4 jiao3 yi1 sheng1 Barefoot doctor
大饥荒  da4 ji4 huang4 great famine
大跃进  da4 yue4 jin4 Great Leap Forward
大字报  da4 zi4 bao4 Big letter posters
邓小平理论  deng4 xiao3 ping2 li3 lun4 Deng Xiaoping theory
反革命  fan3 ge2 ming4 Counterrevolutionary
非典  fei1 dian3 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
改革开放  gai3 ge2 kai1 fang4 Reform and opening up
工作单位  gong1 zuo4 dan1 wei4 Work unit
官倒  guan1 dao3 Official profiteering
国民党  guo2 min2 dang3 Kuomintang (Nationalist party)
计划经济  ji4 hua4 jing1 ji4 Planned economy
解放  jie3 fang4 Liberation
经济(发展)特区  jing1 ji4 fa1 zhan3 te4 qu1 Special Economic Zone (SEZ)
精神污染  jing1 shen2 wu1 ran3 Spiritual pollution
开放政策  kai1 fang4 zheng4 ce4 Open Door/Opening Up policy
口罩  kou3zhao4 Face mask used to cover the mouth, for colds/SARS.
叩头  kou4 tou2 Kowtow
劳动改造  lao2 dong4 gai3 zao4 Reform through labor
廉政建设  lian2 zheng4 jian4 she4 Construct clean politics
列宁主义  lie4 ning2 zhu3 yi4 Leninism
流动人口  liu2 dong4 ren2 kou3 Floating population
马克思主义  ma3 ke4 si1 zhu3 yi4 Marxism
毛泽东思想  mao2 ze2 dong1 si1 xiang3 Mao Zedong thought
毛主席语录(小红书)  mao2 zhu3 xi2 yu3 lu3 (xiao3 hong2 shu1) Little Red Book
普通话  pu3 tong1 hua4 Standard/Common Chinese
人民大会堂  ren2 min2 da4 hui4 tang2 Great Hall of the People
人民公社  ren2 min2 gong1 she4 People's communes
三个代表  san1 ge4 dai4 biao3 The Three Represents
市场经济  shi4 chang3 jing1 ji4 Market economy
双百方针  shuang1 bai3 fang1 zhen1 Two hundred policies
四个现代化  si4 ge4 xian4 dai4 hua4 Four modernizations
四人帮  si4 ren2 bang1 Gang of Four
铁饭碗  tie3 fan4 wan3 Iron rice bowl
文化大革命  wen2 hua4 da4 ge2 ming4 Cultural Revolution
无产阶级  wu2 chan3 jie1 ji2 Proletariat
五年计划  wu3 nian2 ji4 hua4 Five-year plan
五四运动  wu5 si4 yun4 dong4 May fourth movement
下岗工人  xia4 gang3 gong1 ren2 Laid-off workers
新北京,新奥运  xin1 bei3 jing1, xin1 ao4 yun4 New Beijing, New Olympics
一个中国的政策  yi1 ge4 zhong1 guo2 zheng4 ce4 One-China policy
一国两制  yi4 guo2 liang3 zhi4 One country, two systems
 yuan2 Yuan
知识分子  zhi1 shi5 fen4 zi3 Intelligentsia, intellectuals
知识经济  zhi1 shi5 jing1 ji4 Knowledge economy
纸老虎  zhi3 lao3 hu3 Paper tiger
致富光荣  zhi4 fu4 guang1 rong2 To get rich is glorious
中国共产党  zhong1 guo2 gong4 chan3 dang3 Chinese Communist Party
资产阶级自由化  zi1 chan3 jie1 ji2 zi4 you2 hua4 Bourgeois liberalism
走资派  zou3 zi1 pai4 Capitalist roader


The Three Represents:


Stefan Landsberger's Chinese Propaganda Poster Pages, June 11, 2002


东方红 - The East is Red

dong1 fang1 hong2, tai4 yang2 sheng1,
zhong1 guo2 chu1 le5 ge4 mao2 ze2 dong1.
ta1 wei2 ren2 min2 mou2 xing4 fu2,
hu1 er3 hai3 yue1, ta1 shi4 ren2 min2 da4 jiu4 xing1!
mao2 zhu3 xi2, ai4 ren2 min2,
ta1 shi4 wo3 men5 de5 dai4 lu4 ren2,
wei2 le5 jian4 she4 xin1 zhong1 guo2,
hu1 er3 hai3 yue1, ling3 dao3 wo3 men5 xiang4 qian2 jin4!
gong4 chan3 dang3, xiang4 tai4 yang2,
zhao4 dao4 na3 li3 na3 li3 liang4.
na3 li3 you3 le5 gong4 chan3 dang3,
hu1 er3 hai3 yue1, na3 li3 ren2 min2 de2 jie3 fang4!

The East is red, the sun has risen, China has produced a Mao Zedong.
He creates fortune for the people, hu er hai yue, he's the saviour of the people!

Chairman Mao loves the people, He is our guiding leader,
To develop the New China, hu er hai yue, he leads us forward!

The Communist Party is like the sun, wherever it shines becomes bright,
Where there is the Communist Party, hu er hai yue, people will be liberated!

Chinese National Anthem (1966-1978), June 11, 2002


The oath of the Young Pioneers

As you say this, you should hold your right fist palm-side forwards up to the side of your head, just behind your eye.


Wo3 shi4 zhong4 guo2 shao3 nian2 xian1 feng1 dui4 dui4 yuan2. Wo3 zai4 dui4 qi2 xia4 xuan1 shi4. Wo3 jue2 xin1 zun1 zhao4 zhong1 guo2 gong4 chan3 dang3, hao3 hao4 xue2 xi2, hao3 hao4 gong1 zuo4, hao3 hao4 lao2 dong4, zhun3 bei4 zhe3 wei2 gong4 chan3 zhu3 yi4 shi4 ye4, gong4 xian4 chu1 yi1 qie1 li4 liang2.

I am a Chinese Young Pioneer troop member. I swear beneath the troop flag. I will resolutely obey the Chinese Communist Party, study well, work well, labor well, and prepare myself for the enterprises of Communism, contributing all of my power.

CRIS Elementary School, Tianjin China, June 4, 2002
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