So what I figure is that I've got something like blog envy: everyone else's weblog is cooler than mine. Do you feel the need to redesign yours every week? Add the fact that the ugcs server doesn't do php; I'm going to have to get me a real host when I get a real job. I think the idea is that a group of friends is all supposed to read each others' log every day, and you get to know each other better. Blogless friends, sigh. Anyhow, I came up with an interesting perspective on my resume, which by the way, is available in [ HTML ] and [ text ]. On the homefront, Shirley mentioned that somebody was thinking of organizing a 5-year reunion for the Brea Posse crowd at the least. It's true, it's getting to be about that time. We thought either my family's backyard, or Craig Park. I'm not the only interested person! Chinese revolutionary posters.