In response to a question on the Practical-CSS discussion list, I ran up some web pages to check the order in which linked and imported style sheets are applied. Here are the Linked vs Imported Sheet Precedence tests. The conclusion: imported sheets are applied last, and sheets that are imported from a linked sheet are applied before the rest of the sheet (as I understand it, they must be imported on the first line, so I only tested this). My brother Aaron changed his page to use more CSS, and quit his job. Hooray! Update: Aaron, are you getting re-hired? Sometimes you find the answer when you aren't looking for it. When I spent a summer in Beijing in 2000, I found that the New York Times website was blocked by China's Great (fire)Wall. A simple host lookup, and I was off to visit When I arrived last August, I was pleasantly surprised to find the NY Times freely accessible. How so? An Associated Press article (which I can't find now) tells us that the block was removed after a newspaper official mentioned it to Jiang Zemin in an interview last year. Neat! The article I was reading was about China recently unblocking several foreign news sites. More importantly, they've unblocked Geocities! Alas, Caltech's ITS website is still inaccessible (it hosts the Caltech Falun Gong club website). Update (May 25): Geocities is not accesible.