The font-sizer goes live. Things I learned while making it: a little bit of Javascript, and that IE won't let you put padding on an image. The script sets a cookie when you leave the page, so that when you come back it will be the same font-size you left it. Except for cookie-handling (thanks, this script is entirely my creation; no copy-pasting. Woot! As always, only tested in Mozilla RC1 and IE 5.0 on Win95. I believe it'll break in Opera, because that browser has trouble updating DIV positions when Javascript messes with objects. Let me know of any bugs/ugly things. Positive comment are appreciated as well. Using Mozilla has changed my browsing habits. Since I can group bookmarks in Groups that open in several tags at once, I find myself doing less random browsing. I appreciate that. My Bookmark Groups are: Daily Bread (Slashdot, Memepool, Zeldman and Pleasant) and Daily Bread 2 (Daypop Top 40, What Do I Know, Scott Andrews and Sweetcode). Tomorrow I give my first graders their Unit 7 written test. What do you want? I want pizza. Do you want fish? No, I don't. I want pizza and ice cream.