I'm in the middle of bug testing this new weblog engine. I get to watch as it munges my index page. Ahhh! There was a promising article on A List Apart today that totally disappointed me. Simple Content Management turned out to require REBOL, some obscure content sharing language. Blah, it was mostly a templating program anyhow, something you can do with Radioland, Blogger, or Moveable Type. Or roll your own in PHP or perl. Most of the readers on the board expressed similar feelings. Today I went to Binjiangdao with Shirley. We bought more cloth, had an ice cream and stopped by the tailor's on the way back. Picked up my sweet slacks, dropped off corduroy for a pair of shorts (woo!), and bought an old school red plastic Chinese thermos. Seriously, you see these things everywhere. No wonder, because it cost me 10 RMB (about $1.20).