Shirley let this morning. Her brothers will see her next at LAX. She said goodbye to the kids last night, lots of them cried and gave her little gifts to remember them by. She and I had business cards printed ($2 for 100) with our names, addresses and e-mail, which we handed out to our students. Hopefully they can contact us, I also offered to carry letters back to Shirley when I leave in July. I think that made some students feel better. I did some more research into my trip, I'm thinking that I will take the train and try to leave before this weekend rather than after it. But probably the best idea I had was this: go see Louie at CITS. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. He is such a nice guy and he could answer my questions, book tickets, etc. For reference, Louie's office is in the Olympic Towers. I forgot the phone number.