I stayed up late last night writing a bunch of e-mails that were long overdue. This morning I went to ancient Culture Street with Adam and we bought a bunch of souvenirs to bring back to people. I hope my friends like Tiananmen Square fridge magnets! We ate lunch at a dirty little roadside restaurant, then Adam left for the Broadway to watch the Spain-Korea soccer game. I was not in the mood to go home yet so I browsed the antique market which is just west of the south end of Culture Street. I ended up spending a little too much on eleven old records: three of them are jingju (Beijing opera), three are pingju (a milder, slower style of opera more popular in Shanghai), one is a marching music, one is sung by a little girl, and two more are patriotic songs about Chairman Mao ("Long Live Chairman Mao! Ten Thousand Years!" and the like). I got home in time to watch the penalty kicks between Korea and Spain. Spain lost. Today is a sad day for me. Shirley e-mailed. It is a happy day again. I spent a few hours tonight designing a simple weblog app. I got it to write to my directory structure, tomorrow fancy stuff goes in like error-checking and actually turning my daily entries into a front page so I don't have to edit the index.html file directly.