I finished the build script and got it running all nice. Next come the archives, which unfortunately means they that most of my posts are inaccesible at the moment. For now, I'm leaving the last ten visible. I finished my first grade reports today, and also finished grading the tests for fifth grade with a little help from Eileen. I should be able to write comments, run Shirley's errands and turn everything in today. Friday I'll head to Beijing, Monday to Xi'an, and who knows where I'll head from there. I watched the Brasil-Turkey game this evening. Boy, Turkey came out of right field hustling their little hineys off, even in their final game. I don't think anybody can begrudge them their success. I know that Brasil was the better team and that they deserved to win, but it was frustrating to watch the ladies in yellow get away with so much play-acting. I wouldn't have complained if they referee had handed out a few more yellow cards for that. The mystery man behind aaronland.net said it best: And the world laughs together, as yet another Brazilian player takes a dive and plays the drama queen. I know who I'll be rooting for come June 30. Entries have been posted for the 2002 5k Design Contest. I recommend the following: last stickman standing, 5kOS [Version], the5k.org Mahjongg and wtw - fade into grey (nice artwork). The funnest are always the games, but I try to find ones with artistic merit and good design. The quick download times are always the best part of perusing the entries. For a final treat, check out this gem from our local CSS guru Eric Costello: Blogger template. It may seem ordinary at first, but just sit and watch the page for a few seconds. You'll be entranced.