I had a very leisurely day today, even though I started out in a foul mood. I intended to go into Beijing and apply for a replacement passport, since mine was lost/stolen in Beijing on Thursday. By the time I got to the train station, it was almost two and the embassy closes at 4pm, so I walked down the river towards Binjiang Dao looking for a bank. I found a very nice air-conditioned bank, HSBC to be exact. I pulled out a sizable sum of money, which will secure me for a while. Then I settled down in a comfortable chair in the Ocean Pacific (?) hotel next door, which was also a/c'ed and enjoyed a cucumber juice while I read John Grisham's The Testament. Binjiang Dao was not too crowded on a Saturday afternoon. Most Tianjin residents were playing it smart, staying out of the heat and humidity. I thought about catching a movie. The movie theater was showing a Jean Reno movie that I just bought on DVD and a documentary about 9/11. Not in the mood for a movie, I kept walking and followed my stomach into the Food Alley. This place, I'll admit, is a little dirty. Shirley refused to eat there. It's a bunch of booths flanking both sides of a covered walkway, which is filled with cafeteria-style benches and hawkers offering you rice, noodles, veggies, kebabs, all sorts of good food. The best way to choose a meal is to watch what other people are eating, and point it out. Nothing simpler: no Chinese needed. I ended up repeating at a place I ate with months ago; they specialize in Korea food. Their curry rice in a hot metal bowl is excellent, and at RMB 5 it can't be beat for value. A bottle of apple soda brought the total up to RMB 9, about one US dollar. I caught the bus back to the McDonalds by the school and got in some good reading time. The DVD store is air-conditioned, I found out by stopping there on the way back. Several new DVD's joined my collection: Conan the Barbarian, a Japanese movie with Takenouchi Yutaka, and God of Gamblers 1 and 2. I also picked up Sterelab's Sounddust, some live sessions by Prodigy, and Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness. Right now I"m listening to Daft Punk's homework, which I picked up in Beijing recently. It turned into a good day.