The Overseas Young Chinese Forum consistently puts out splendid articles. In the lastest issue, Randy PEERENBOOM (note the capitalization of the last name, woo!) expounds on China's transition to a rule-of-law country in his article "Let One Hundred Flowers Bloom, One Hundred Schools Contend: Debating Rule of Law in China - Part One". Great sections on the views of different conceptions of nationhood on human rights, and the ways these different conceptions treat their constitutions. An article by Yuanheng Sally WANG called "Mosaic "Eggs" and Their Connections to the Biculturalism: A Dissection of the Identity of White Americans Interested in Chinese Culture" caught my eye because it's about "egged" Sinophiles and how the Chinese culture can either modify or reinforce the cultural elements of their birth culture. This article has a lot of academic heeing and hawing and not much original thought, but the second half has some interesting framework for future thought on this topic. I haven't done much today. Had passport photos taken. Bought a toothbrush and soap. Ate ramen and almost-ripe nectarines for lunch. Following in the footsteps of Lou Brothers, the Self-Project begins.