The American embassy in Beijing is under heavy guard right now; in fact, the whole embassy area is roped off. The reason? Beijing wants to keep defecting North Koreans from dashing into foreign embassies. Fair enough! I went back to the store on Liulichang where I bough a t-shirt for my sister and chatted with them for a while. When they found out my backpack was stolen, they offered to replace the t-shirt for free. Such nice people! One of my main interests in China is the contrasts you see in daily life, especially the social contrasts between the old-school communist society and the newly emerging capitalist side of things. Today I picked up a couple of books at the Xinhua Bookstore in Xidan. They include a textbook for first graders called "I love the Chinese Communist Party" and a history of the CCP for children. I couldn't believe the books I found in the "Nationalism" section of the kids area. One was called "I Reject Depraved/Evil Teaching" and the first page started talking about the Falun Gong movment. A cool one was all about the flag raising in Tiananmen and the training that the color guard goes through. I also picked up a volume in a series of biographies of great people in history. Did I get Confucious? No. Abraham Lincoln? No. George Washington, Napoleon, Sun Yat-sen, Buddha or Mozart? No siree, I picked up the biography of Bill Gates. It's odd how people idolize him here, and yet China is supposed to be so Linux-friendly. However, I do see a ton of people on the street studying computer books about Dreamweaver, Maya and Photoshop. Microsoft, blah.