I'm passing some very lazy days, watching a lot of TV or riding my back down to Tower Bookstore and reading about XML (very cool!) or MacOS X. My blog code is this:

B2 d- t++ k- s+ u- f i- o+ x-- e- l- c

I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon the minute it starts rolling, so things like the Blog Code put me in between a rock and a hard place: do I want to be one of the early adopters, or wait and see if it's a losing deal? The Geekcode took off, went through a period of hyper-inflation, them became old school. As for the Blog Code, they should adopt some of the Geek Code's notation, as in "I don't have my own domain, but someday I'd like to be able to say that I own and administer a dozen domains in 8 different TLD's." As it is, they don't have enough outrageous options, excepting:

I AM Brad, Cameron, Ev, Matt, Jason, Meg, Tom, Derek, Rebecca, Jack, Dave, or Jeffrey. [u=]

Read some cool journals; thanks Memepool! Using XML by J David Eisenberg is the latest and greatest AListApart article. It was interesting to me because it's something I've been thinking and reading about lately, not to mention that XML is on my Self-Project list. An interesting note: the author J David Eisenberg is the guy who wrote the original, old-school online Korean tutorial! And he has a Russian one too! Woo!