I haven't updated in a while because I'm back in the armpit of California, "Brea", where nothing every happens. With no money. I'm on the hunt for a job. Borders Bookstore is holding a job fair at the Embassy Suites hotel in Brea this week because they are opening a new location in La Habra next to Krispy Kreme. I went in for an interview and had a great time. Anthony, my interviewer, asked me questions I've always wished to be asked: "What's the last book you read?", "what's the last CD you bought?", and "what's your ideal job?". Anthony dug my aspiration to be a freelance itinerant museum exhibit translator because he was a history major in college, and the interview had a really positive tone from that point on. I'm really glad I went in, and I'd be really happy to work at a bookstore, even a corporate giant like Borders. Is this my chance to be six degrees from Jeff Bezos? I've also been looking at private schools in the area, because I really enjoyed teaching last year in China. Somebody remind me to call my uncle Steve about that. And to call Kartik to get together sometime. And while you're at it, check out the updated BOHS Class of 1997 page. I'd like to make a book recommendation, a book I picked up at Tower Records and couldn't put down. It's by Michael Breen (no, not Jim Breen) and it's called "The Koreans". It touched on differences between Koreans, Chinese and Japanese, and a little bit on the Korean education system. Even the chapter on religion had my eyes glued to the page. I'll be finishing it on subsequent visits. How many times will these things be pointed out, and how long will our leaders continue to ignore the fact that Saudi Arabia is a state that sponsors terrorism and treats its women almost as badly as the Taliban did theirs? Pulling out is not the answer, and neither is ignoring it. Saudi Arabia should be put on the list of countries that need a serious cultural education in civility and human rights.