My page pings when it's updated. I'll discover the ramifications of that some other time. I downloaded a freeware RSS feed reader called NetNewsWire Lite for the Mac at the suggestion of Todd Dominey, and I may be building my own RSS feed soon. Uncle Ted invited me out to lunch yesterday, and we had a pleasant conversation about China and job/schooling opportunities available to me. He mentioned that even a public school would be willing to hire an uncredentialed teacher by providing them with an emergency credential. It would be nice to make a teacher-sized salary for a year, but it would be a lot of work. I haven't heard back from Borders yet. Kartik and I hung out last night at the Olde Ship in Fullerton. He's going to Northwestern medical school in Chicago, which is very cool. I got updates on several Class of '97 people, and we spent the requisite time bashing Brea for, as he aptly put it, having no culture. I wanted to get the XSH shell, an XML-editing shell and perl module, working on the iBook but I'm still too much of an MacOS X newb to figure it out. You can find me down in the Operating Systems section of Tower Bookstore. (link is courtesy of Sweetcode)