In the afternoons occasionally I watch a drama on channel 18 (KSCI) called "Toast Boy's Kiss". It's in heavily accented Taiwan Mandarin with Chinese subtitles, and I'm very encouraged that I can understand a lot. I really wish I could find a place to rent these dramas, be they Japanese or Taiwanese. Through Google, I managed to find some fan pages, including a Lee Wei photo site and the official 吐司男之吻 2 site. For the general amusement of our shareholders, I offer this link. Warning: may not be work-safe. I registered SimpleVCD today. It's probably the first piece of software I've actually payed for, partly because it's such a darn simple, no-frills program, partly because VCDs are still the primary means of propagation for Japanese and Taiwanese drama, and partly because I couldn't figure out how to bypass the registration system. It stores the date you first used it in some secret location, and you can't play in full-screen mode after the demo period ends. There is no documented way to reset the starting date, according to Google. And I first used it 697 days ago! I think it's funny that points to a porn site. You'd imagine they would have registered that one too.