Peking Opera Classics Videotaped: "China has finished a 17-year project to videotape 355 Peking opera classics by the end of August." Now the question becomes, when will they be released on DVD? And a quote from this week's Time magazine:
Democracy Dies Behind Closed Doors
##Personal news: I will get fingerprinted next week and turn in my application for an emergency credential so I can start a long-term substitute job at my alma mater, Brea Olinda High School. I anticipate keeping my evening job at Borders Bookstore in La Habra. On the far future front, I am deciding upon a combination of applying to grad schools, the Peace Corp, and testing for the Foreign Service. Links: Tales From a Small Planet (see the message boards), Yahoo group for the Foreign Service Oral Assessment, the Association of Professional Schools of International Relations, the Peace Corp, Georgetown School of Foreign Service, American University School of International Service, Monterey Institute of International Studies. I can't express my gratitude sufficiently to Brian O'kane for today's entry, which transported me back to China for 10 minutes of my day. He is a gifted writer, and I feel priveleged to read his blog every update.