I apologize to my regular readers for not posting regularly. ##California Economy The California economy has followed the rest of the country in its recent downturn. We have a handful of spots open at Borders and have probably received over 300 applications, not to mention the two or three more we get every day. I feel very lucky to have landed the job I did. I'm pretty sure there are dozens of people more qualified to sell books than me. But I work my hardest and try to do a good job, and that's enough to earn my pay. Which was a fat wad of cash this week, by the way. As proof that we are in the dumps, the New York Times reports that France has passed up California in the race for the world's top economy. The Golden State is now sixth. Read the article, it's amazing and yet not suprising that the interviewees are so non-plussed at the news. China ranks seventh. [ Link ] ##Personal News My list of grad schools has been narrowed down to four: Georgetown, George Washington, American and Tufts. I've also decided to apply to the Peace Corp, and take the Foreign Service Exam in April of next year. I received a sizable paycheck from Borders today, which makes me extremely happy because I'll be able to take my car in for a check-up. Whenever I drive anywhere, I'm constantly worrying about one strange noise or another. Hopefully a few hours under the knife with our friendly Firestone mechanic will remedy that. Also, I finished two days of observation at the high school. That means I'm on call for substitute teaching. It will be a six week assignment teaching Integrated Math 2 and Func/Stat/Trig, starting when Mrs Valenti goes to the hospital to give birth.