A tan Volvo, partly obscured by an out-of-focus black and white picture.This is my Volvo DL. It went into the shop this last weekend and had $300 US of work done on it, and now it runs like a wild beast. Whereas before I was always uptight while driving, straining to hear every tick and tock of the fragile motor as it beat towards exhaustion, now I can excercise my lead foot and cruise down Imperial doing 50 in the 45 zones. In the foreground, was the intended subject of the photo. It's a black and white photo that was taken for newspaper of the National Merit honorees at my old high school, Brea Olinda. I squat in a trash can kame-haing my three-finger pin while Amy squashes me down with great effort, and Andy freaks out in another trash can as Julie strangles him from behind. My sister Laurel rescued it for me from the newspaper room. --Query String of the Day: #1 on Google for "I want to hear Uighur music." (I found this in my logs today).