My webpage can be shrunk and stretched into a long, tall column.The people who make the Opera browser have recently made a big deal over a version of their browser which adjusts pages so that they will display nicely on PDAs. In a tribute to the extensibility of Mozilla, a simple bookmarklet was developed that can do the same thing in any browser "having a correct DOM implementation and allowing to bookmark JS". Thus I present my weblog, courtesy of Daniel Glazman's PDAize bookmarklet. [ Link ] --The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs held a fair at the UCLA West Alumni Center today. I drove up and met Jason Cardema at the Bruin statue at 6pm, and we went out to dinner beforehand. We had noodles and orange chicken at Noodle Planet, and chatted on various topics. I got up to speed on what people from Caltech are doing, although I constantly caught myself trying to tell him about old high school friends. The grad fair was a little hard on me, it's so depressing to see how many competent people are going to be applying with me. The Peace Corps is looking more attractive. Anyhow, it encouraged me to try and get a group together of all the Caltech people up around UCLA. That is not a small number. Sean, Matt and Joe are all studying there, and Viet is living with Joe. I think it would be fun to spend an evening catching up.