Feliz, feliz en tu dia, Ojala que te pille un tranvia, Que comas patatas podrias, Y que cumples muchos mas. --Feliz, feliz en tu dia, Amiquito que Dios te bendiga, Que reine la paz en tu dia, Y que cumples muchos mas. ##Birthday Happenings I can't really complain about my birthday this year. As I get older, I usually try to let it slip past on little cat feet. But today Saturday the 2nd I woke up around noon, and spent the rest of the day celebrating the big twenty-four. For lunch, Mom, Dad, Laurel and Grandma Lo took me out to the Hong Kong Super Buffet down in Fullerton, which was decent food and left me pretty stuffed. To work off the calories, we subjected ourselves to 18 grueling holes of miniature golf at Camelot Fun Center. Grandma whooped our hineys, she is obviously an experienced miniature golfer. At 5:30 I drove up to Westwood, where I met a bunch of Caltech friends for dinner at Palomino euro-bistro. Joe, Matt, Pauline, Jason, Viet, Sean & friend, and Neal & friend were all there. Lunch was quite nice and expensive, I had the a Caprisi Salad followed by the Rotisserie Pork Loin with Apple Salsa. Haha, it's my first experience with haughty food. I was very intimidated. The Caprisi salad was slices of tomato on top of sweet onion, sprinkled with diced basil and blue cheese crumbles. The Pork Loin was two large pork cylinders mounted on a mashed potatoe pile, with apple sauce on the side. Somehow, I have a hard time with mashed potatoes as high cuisine. Our waiter had that appropriately soap-opera up-and-coming actor look, with the emo glasses and highlighted hair. He was very nice. After dinner, we opened presents. I felt like a dork because I got Viet a Tiananmen Square kitchen magnet, then found out that everybody pooled to get me a shortband radio. I hide my face in shame. Seeing everyone blench at the dessert prices (my pork loin was almost twenty bucks), I suggested we walk up to Diddy Riese Cookies which has ice cream sandwiches for a dollar. People agreed. I picked up a dozen cookies to bring home, since I was in a good mood. [ Link ] At that point, Sean and Viet left to go clubbing. Neal and guest also took off, so the rest of us hung out at Jason's house playing games and chatting. All in all, it was a very nice birthday. ##Identity Theft Opportunity Identity thieves, please take note: