Here's a question for someone smarter than me: Would Hu Jintao and the new Standing Committee be capable of, or willing to, initiate a Tiananmen-style crackdown on a similar protest? ##Distraction with Chinese Characteristics Shutty teaches English in Shaoxing and keeps a very entertaining journal, which "virtually every young foreign teacher in Shaoxing is reading". From Shutty's journal: I am beginning to have a little love affair with DVD though. Like, when it's 10pm and I have 8am class, I think, "Boy, I should do some class planning for tomorrow." So, I open my papers and then I think, "Well, maybe I'll just watch the entire 16 hour Band of Brothers DVD real quick first." Next thing I know, my alarm is going off, Band of Brothers is playing in the background, I am drooling all over my papers and we end up playing games in class. It's like cocaine or something. I love the $1 DVD. Must......break.......habit. This is something that many an English teacher in China can sympathize with.