##Holiday Cheer The La Habra Borders staff celebrated Christmas this past Sunday by going bowling! At about 6:30 PM, a group from the Yorba Linda Borders came to our store, got acquanted with the layout, and took over for about 3 hours while the on-duty folks car-pooled to Concourse Bowling Alley down by Fry's in Anaheim. I got to ride in Sal's truck; it's a huge thing, we fit six people very comfortably and partied-hardy to the bowling place. Once there, we settled down, chatting, chowing on pizza and ordering beer with the Christmas gift-wrapping tips--shameless! After a while, we wandered over to the lanes and began to bowl. There were supposed to be prizes for the best game (Debby? Dave?); as for my group, our computer broke down so we just took turns bowling for pleasure. I didn't realize how fun bowling can be when you're not keeping score. We just chilled until about 11 PM, when everybody started taking off. Pretty much everybody except our GM Ryan (out sick) put in an appearance. It was a great night out. --I put Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations on hold at Borders; I'm thinking of reading it as an accompaniment to my economics class. Or at least the important parts: it's a very thick book written in equally thick sixteenth century English. At the moment, I'm not reading anything fun. I finished White Noise, Don DeLilo's early 1980's book touching on themes of the media's saturation of daily life, and our fear of death. I'll write up something shortly, though it didn't make much of an impression. At work, Heather mentioned that she had read it in one of her classes in college; I wish I had been able to, perhaps I would have gotten more out of it.