Today I subbed for Mr Maeda, the ESL teacher at BOHS. There were three notable things about today. First off, I knew a lot of these kids from Monday and Wednesday tutoring. It was a lot of fun talking with them, and I'm happy that I get to practice speaking Spanish. ESL kids are a lot better behaved than other low-level kids. Second, some of the students are stuck in the ESL room for the first three periods of the day: for a two-period ESL class, and then for "Study Skills", a class for kids who aren't doing well gradewise. Couldn't they send these kids down to shop, or another skills-based class where you don't need a lot of words to learn? Or make them office aides? Or give them a soccer ball and send them down to the field? They aren't learning much, except that school is boring. Third, ESL 3 has a Korean TA. ESL 3 is the third level of ESL classes, for kids whose English is decent but not native. Most of the day I spent translating between English and Spanish, but this class was about one third kids of Korean descent. So the school had a Korean student TA to help out. I thought that was an incredibly sensitive thing to do. I wonder if Mr Maeda thought of it. ##On Another Note... --Google gets it.