Mr Hernandez, Thanks for coming in to give me instructions this morning. I heard from a student that you weren't feeling well; I hope you recovered quickly. Classes all went OK, the students were very well behaved. Period 0 – Integrated 1 Handed out the worksheet and told the students that it was due tomorrow morning at the beginning of class, just to make sure they worked on it a bit. The students worked in partners and some switched seats: we agreed that if the noise reached a level where I had to remind them to be quiet, they would return to their assigned seats. Luckily for them, this never happened. Periods 2, 3 – AP Statistics Played the video Decisions Through Data, Unit 15, which lasted about 15 minutes. Most students were disinterested, so I asked them to speak quietly so that the students who were watching could hear it. For the rest of the period, they worked on other homework, played cards, or chatted. Periods 5, 6 – Integrated 1 Pretty much the same as Period 0. There were no serious incidents to report. Mr Weber helped out in Period 5. I forgot to take roll in Period 6, in case you keep track of that. It was fun to take your class today, I'd be happy to do it again. —Micah Sittig