Saturday was my next-to-last day at work, so I had to say goodbye to a few people who aren't working with me on Sunday. I don't regret working at Borders--I met some very cool people, read lots of good books, and was reminded what it's like to work retail (ugh). Hopefully, someday I will work in a bookstore of my own, where the motto will be what the T-shirt I'm wearing today says: People Before Profit Goodbye Borders! --Do you like the new banner at the top of my page? It is Richard Nixon in 1974, meeting a face of New China on the Great Wall. If she was about 10 at the time, she would be 40 today. Born during at the beginning of the Cultural Revolution, junior high under the uncertainty of the Gang of Four, high school and perhaps college under Deng Xiaoping, marriage and career from Jiang Zemin to the present day. I wonder where she ended up...