Nico's post in the comments is totally right: this is totally cyberpunk. This morning, on my way to classes, I was biking along Chengfu Lu, minding my own business, when I heard a "Hello." I turned, and smiled, and said "Hello" back, as per my usual habit - it was a couple of high-school age kids on a bike. One of them reached into his bag and pulled out something rectangular-shaped, in a silvery plastic packet. --"You speak Chinese? OK, cool - want this? 80-gig hard disk, completely new, 200 kuai." "Nah, thanks." "Want RAM? Ethernet cards? Graphics cards?" "Um, not today," I said. "Good luck selling them." --They kept on going - the one who'd been showing me their merchandise, perched on the back, waved at me as they went off. And I continued on my way to class. Chinese noodle restaurant owners avoid having to wash dishes by lining their bowls with plastic bags. Certain (American) persons thought that this was the most unsanitary thing. I thought it was genius. On a related note, I have found -- sadly -- no decent noodle places in Ann Arbor. No pho! Maybe Chicago is my only hope.