The China Study Group: Members of the CSG support the broad goals of the Chinese revolution that triumphed in 1949, and seek to stimulate knowledge and debate regarding its achievements and limitations, as well as to offer a critical perspective of the radical changes that have occurred in China over the past 25 years and an ongoing analysis of its role in the world today. Theirs is an interesting statement; the website has lots of good material with an academic bent. JJ's blog seems worth following. --Peasant ballads (from 这达标、那达标,都要农民掏腰包; 这大办、那大办,都是农民血和汗。 --Fons Tuinstra writes about Dr Zhao Jimin's CCS noon lecture today. If I had known he was still in Ann Arbor... Fons, I was the guy nodding off in the back row, near the refreshments table.