I know I've said this before, but let me repeat: both Ziboy and 21mm are great photo weblogs because they unabashedly take pictures of people. --I'm pretty busy these days with end-of-semester work, so I'll just post links to some highlights of the weblog world and mainstream media that I bookmarked over the last week or so: Walter Hutchens, Lay off the Defense Lawyers Already, on legal reform. Marginal Revolution, China fact of the day, on the liberalization of the publishing industry. The Independent, The Chinese Iron Lady squares up to America's tough talkers. The PLA Daily, 境界 责任 水平 ("Realm, responsibility and level", bilingual article). And for my own future reference, hosting plans inside the PRC that offer ssh access. --One more comment, because this is too pathetic and sad. From an article in The Independent, The 1,200-year-old sunken treasure that revealed an undiscovered China: Until Mr Walterfang's find, archeologists had assumed that 1,200 years ago, China was a relatively backward country which relied primarily on agriculture to survive. They had little notion that the Tang dynasty of the period, had already started to set up maritime trading routes that were to establish China as the first great sea power, 200 years before the Spanish, Portuguese and British had theirs. A year ago, I might have said "Really? What a great find, to teach us so much about ancient China." Now, I know better and will say "The Tang dynasty is widely known to have been a high point in Chinese culture, particularly in the fields of poetry, pottery, and painting. This reporter obviously didn't do his research. Shame on him."