The Tianjin TV Tower, Lomo-like. --The Asian Animal Protection Network (亚洲保护动物网) monitors abuse of animals in Asian countries, and has some pretty graphic pictures of the dog meat market in Xichang (city that hosts China's premiere spacecraft launch facility, in southwestern Sichuan Province). We see no difference between pig eating and dog eating. The degree of objection lies in the methods of rearing, transport and slaughter rather than in the choice of species. --Via the Oriental List, a choice quote from the LA Times story Olé? No Way, Say Chinese: "As people's lifestyles have improved, they've become more and more sensitive toward animals," said Wang Shi, secretary-general of the Chinese Culture Promotion Society, a government-linked civic group. "It's becoming a universal value, like Western classical music." Lidya Liu would have a field day with that one.