The Center for Research on Concepts and Cognition at the University of Indiana keeps a list of papers for which they have hard-copies on hand. Search through and find the papers by UMich PhD David Moser, and you'll see why I really want to look these up:
- If This Paper Were in Chinese, Would Chinese People Understand the Title? An exploration of Whorfian claims about the Chinese language.
- The Translation of Godel, Escher, Bach into Chinese.
- Fang Lizhi "Physics and Beauty" (translator)
- Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard
- Chinese-English Ambigrams
- Slips of the Tongue and Pen in Chinese
Actually, Why Chinese Is So Damn Hard is available online, as a PDF document.
--This shirt is even better than my 老外来了/老外走了 shirt. (via Shenzhen People)
--The consistently funny $ Sinobling $ warns us of fifty things not to do in China. The great thing about this list is that there is something for everybody; the one that had me literally LOL-ing was number 64, the jab at John for his run-in with Dashan. Other highlights:
20. Plan ahead
26. Suggest to Standing Committee that their next five year plan should be to “not suck so much”
27. Ask for a doggy bag
37. Join a gym called the “Boxer Rebellion”
49. Bet on the notoriously corrupt game of Ping Pong
51. Ask why the Yellow River is Yellow
(via Simon.)