I got a kick out of an article in the Wall Street Journal today: Oakland Discovers A Burgeoning Talent In Chinese Opera: Just outside City Hall, the Chinese-immigrant crowd rose to its feet. "He's so clear," effused Shu Hui Lui, an English teacher. Henrique Ham, a contractor who immigrated from China 34 years ago, started crying. "It's very special," he said. The object of their praise is a 9-year-old African-American fourth-grader. I wonder if he sings in Cantonese, in which case it would be 越剧, and not 京剧. Props to the article for identifying it as Chinese opera. This would be a good point to also publicly question Quentin Tarantino's decision to make a kung-fu movie in Mandarin; Mandarin??? Maybe that sounds authentic to clueless Hollywood execs. I expected more from Tarantino... though maybe not from the current Tarantino.