I though it was funny, so I'll translate a recent post by hapsky, a Chinese Shanghai blogger: A Great Tradition of the Chinese People: The Desire for Peace This is a pp(?) [pp means "picture", thanks bingfeng! —ms] that a friend sent over.  Pictures of dozing delegates at the 3rd session of the 10th National People's Congress on March 9th. On that day, the conference deliberated on work reports from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. Compare this to the earth-shaking altercations that take place in Western parliaments and other legislative bodies, where politicians beat each other into a pulp, even tearing the skirts off female members and other such ugly behaviors; our politicians have inherited the glorious tradition of the Chinese people. 中华民族的优良传统:我们要和谐 朋友发过来来的pp 3月9日参加十届人大三次会议的代表在听报告时酣睡的镜头。当天的会议听取和审议全国人大常委会工作报告和最高人民法院工作报告、最高人民检察院工作报告。 与西方那些在议会、立法会里面吵的天翻地覆、打的头破血流、甚至撕碎女议员裙子的丑陋行为相比,我们的议员继承了中华民族的优良传统 But it looks like the photo that he posted of a brawl taking place in some parliamentary body was actually taken in Asia. Taiwan, is my guess.