Migrant-workers in Gansu get smarter online? The WTO column: What struck me was that in the village of Kenny Lin people did not use the system to get information on the agricultural markets, weather, prices, as your might expect at the country side but as a tool to get work in Guangdong. LOL. To paraphrase a certain movie, the [migrant worker instinct] is strong with these ones. --Via "Roadside haircuts banned", I find a new barber: "I have worked here for 14 years," said Yu Zaiqing, a 75-year-old barber who trims and shaves his clients under the Jiangning Bridge on Jiangning Road, Putuo District. "All of my clients are men and most of them are seniors," Yu said. "I charge them 3 yuan (36 US cents) for a haircut and 1 yuan more for a shave, which is much cheaper than in a hair salon." and learn the difference between unsanitary and insanitary.