By the end of next year, the People's Square metro station will turn into a triangle interchange for lines 1, 2, and 8, according to the latest Shanghai Morning Post: 晨报讯到明年年底,市民如果乘坐轨道交通1号线在人民广场站换乘2号线时,将不用再走220米的长通道,步行路程将缩短到50米之内。在昨天召开的上海城市地下空间国际研讨会上,上海市城市规划管理局副总工程师沈人德透露,到明年年底,人民广场站地下一、二层将建成大型换乘大厅,届时在人民广场交会的轨道交通1号线、2号线和8号线之间换乘,步行路程将在50米之内。 I have it from my landlords that a new metro station is being built in the nearby Caoyang New Estates. If I wasn't so unsure about the level of my income in the next year, I'd be very tempted to stay in my current apartment right next to the Jingshajiang Rd light rail stop. Shanghai rail transport just keeps getting more and more exciting.