Some activists need to take courses in critical thinking and logic before they open their mouths to the media and do more harm than help to their cause. In the latest example, the Free Tibet campaign's Alison Reynolds in London make the following statement: "Whatever new measures China comes up with to enhance Tibet's so-called autonomy or however much money China spends in Tibet, the Tibetan people will not be satisfied until there is political change which will give them genuine control of their own affairs," she said. Since the autonomous region government was established, she pointed out, no Tibetan has held the most powerful position of regional party secretary. All have been Han Chinese. OK, so first you make a statement implying that democracy, ie "genuine control" for the Tibetans, is the only acceptable outcome, and then you backtrack and say "and even if the Chinese are right, it's not so great" that a Tibetan has never held such and such a post. Huh? Decide which side you're on and stick to it! Happens all the time. Look for it.