Classic Shanghai from Asa: What was particularly funny was the "massage parlor" that was the last thing on the block to go, ever eminating it's pink light at the end of the dark demolished street. One day there were women's silhouettes standing in the doorway and a warm inviting glow amidst an entire street of rubble, the next the roof and front were bashed in and a dirty worker through things out from inside the collapsed den as if looting an already pillaged warzone, scavenging for left overs. ...old bricks? --From Time Magazine, How Christianity Thrives in China: Time observed 20 church members kneeling on pillows laid on the tiled floor of an elder's apartment for a home-church prayer session. It's the kind of service police can break up, if they choose. For a half hour attendees took turns. "Lord, let China be Christian," invoked one woman. Amen, they said. "China has made economic progress, but the nation is empty." Many voices mumbled affirmation. "Let the country's new leaders hear us and protect us." Hallelujah. Then they recited the Lord's prayer, drank warm water with honey, and departed into the night. Time observed... Hey, it's like writing for Shanghaiist.