哪份上海报纸在网上最受关注 ("Which Shanghai paper gets the most online attention?"): 新闻晨报、新民晚报、新闻晚报、青年报、东方早报,这五份上海地区主要的都市报,哪份最受网民关注?Google新推出的Trend服务可以让我们对此有所了解。想了解最新数据可以点击这里。下面则是截至5月18日的数据,很明显新闻晨报的搜索量在2004年末超过了新民晚报,并在2005年和2006年迄今的大多数时间内保持有优势。当然,相比2005年年中新闻晨报搜索量的火爆,目前两者的差距似乎有所缩小。 The Shanghai Morning Post, the Xinmin Evening News, the Youth Daily, the Oriental Morning Post: of these five major Shanghai-area newspapers, which gets the most online attention? The newly released Google Trends service allows us some insight into this question. For the latest data, click here (sic). Below, you can see a snapshot of the statistics from May 18th. It's evident that the Morning Post surpassed the Xinmin Evening News in searches at the end of 2004, and that they've maintained the lead up until today. Granted, compared to the middle of 2005 the gap between the two has shrunk a bit.  You can get the run-down of these newspapers (and more) at Danwei.org's Chinese Media Guide.